Attendance Procedures
Regular school attendance and punctuality is vital if pupils are to benefit from the opportunities the school has to offer. We ask you kindly to sign your child in on the InVentry system (outside the office) noting the reason for the lateness.
Absences may be authorised for:-
* illness, medical or dental treatment
* religious holidays
* domestic emergencies
If your child is unable to attend school, you should phone the school on 029 2047 1173 before 8:45am in the morning leaving a message on option 1. We must emphasise that we can only give an authorised absence mark for the appropriate reasons e.g. sickness. All other absences are recorded as unauthorised. If a child receives 10 unauthorised absence marks (i.e. 5 school days), the parent/parents/ guardian(s) could receive a Fixed Penalty Notice.
Permission is not granted for children to be absent due to holidays. Any period of absence, apart from sickness, religious holidays and family emergencies will be marked as an unauthorised absence.